Compliments and complaints

We want to provide the best possible experience when you use our services, so we’re sorry that something has gone wrong.

Something gone wrong? Let’s get it sorted for you

The quickest and easiest way to get an issue sorted is to talk to the team caring for you.
They’ll usually be able to sort things out straight away, or at least within 3 working days.

Cheshire West and Chester

You can speak to us in person, give us a call on 0300 247 0020, email, or write to us post if you prefer. Our address is: Cheshire West and Chester Integrated Sexual Health, The Fountains, Delamere Street, Chester, CH1 4DS.

Northern Lincolnshire

You can speak to us in person, give us a call on 0300 330 1122, email, or write to us post if you prefer. Our address is: Northern Lincolnshire Integrated Sexual Health, Ironstone Centre, West Street, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 6HX.

Oldham, Bury and Rochdale

You can speak to us in person, give us a call on 0300 303 8565, email, or write to us post if you prefer. Our address is: Oldham Integrated Sexual Health Service, Integrated Care Centre , New Radcliffe Street, Oldham, OL1 1NL.


You can speak to us in person, give us a call on 0300 330 1122, email, or write to us post if you prefer. Our address is: Teesside Integrated Sexual Health Service, Lawson Street Health Centre, Lawson Street, Stockton on Tees, TS18 1HU.

When making a complaint

When you send us your complaint, please try and give as much detail as possible about what’s happened. It’s important for us to understand exactly what it is you are unhappy with and what you would like to happen as a result, so that we can try to deal with the issue as quickly as we can and meet your needs. All complaints are handled in line with our complaints policy, which you’ll find here We record all complaints made, but if you’re not happy with our first response or if we believe the issues are too serious to be investigated informally, we’ll appoint a trained investigator to complete a formal complaint investigation. If this happens, we’ll tell you and we’ll respond to you fully within 30 working days. If you’re still not happy with our response, you can raise your complaint with the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman or the Local Government Ombudsman.
We’ll tell you how in our final response to you.

What happens next when you complain?

  • We’ll try and sort things out quickly, within 3 days
  • Your care will continue as normal – making a complaint will never affect how we treat you
  • Details of your complaint won’t be recorded on your medical record, but will be kept
    separately so we can learn and improve
  • If you’re not happy with our response, we’ll explain your next steps
  • If you’re complaining on someone else’s behalf, we’ll need their consent
  • We’ll use your data in line with our policy, which you can find on our website or in service (just
    ask us for a copy)
  • We can meet with you to discuss your complaint once we’ve investigated it
  • We can provide you with a written response, if you want one

Need help?

If you want to speak to someone outside of the service, you can speak to our commissioners: this would be the local authority in the area that provides your service. You can use the link provided to find your local authority

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