Sexual Health services during COVID-19

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the way you can access our services has changed.

Please read this page before contacting our services

For all contraception appointments

Contraception is a normal part of life and it’s a topic our team deals with day in and out. We’re here to help you, not to judge you. You’ll get the most out of your appointment if you are relaxed and prepare in advance.

  • Write down any questions you want to ask so you don’t forget. Some good questions to ask might include:
    • Are there any other options I could consider?
    • Are there any side effects?
    • Is there anything which might make this less effective?
    • How do I get a repeat prescription next time?
  • Be honest. You will be asked about your sexual history. This is solely so we can provide the best medical advice
  • Make a list of any allergies, medications, vitamins or supplements you’re taking. It’s helpful to take a picture of the packet too if you have a phone with a camera. This also includes anything you have purchased online
  • Make a list of any health conditions you, or any close family members, have had in the past or are currently being treated for. For example if yourself or a close family member has ever had a blood clot. If you are unsure speak to your GP’s practice
  • Plan how you will travel to your appointment and how much time you need to leave to make sure you’re not rushing
  • Set up an appointment reminder in your phone with an alert and/or make sure it’s written in your diary so you don’t forget

For a contraceptive methods appointment

Take time to think about what you want your contraception to do for you. Review the different methods available so you can come prepared with the ones which fit you and your lifestyle best. This will help you to feel more confident discussing your needs so you can get the most out of your appointment. An example of this could be that you would prefer not to have a period every month.

If you are attending to have an IUS (coil) or implant fitted

There must be no chance that could be pregnant. This means that you haven’t had any unprotected sexual intercourse since your last normal period or that you have correctly and consistently used a reliable method of contraception (the withdrawal method is not a reliable method of contraception). Find out more about the IUS and implant.

If you are attending to have an emergency IUD fitted

If you have had unprotected sex since your last period, an emergency IUD can be fitted up to five days after unprotected sex or up to five days after your estimated ovulation (when you release an egg). Although this can be removed once the pregnancy risk has passed, many women choose to leave it in place as a long term contraception method. Find out more about the emergency IUD.

If you are attending for an IUD as a long term method of contraception

If there is no risk you could be pregnant you can have this fitted at any time of the month, however it is best to have it fitted when you are on your period as this makes the fitting more comfortable. As soon as it is in place it is effective, so you can have sex without any pregnancy risk.

If you are attending to have an IUD or IUS (coil) removed

If you want to have an IUD or IUS removed and are not planning a pregnancy, it is important that you use condoms or do not have sex for seven days before your appointment.

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